Summer post and publicising my new Youtube channel!

Hi guys

Sorry for not posting for a while, I have been trying to think about different things to post. I have started the summer holidays starting up a Youtube account in which I post footage of therapy, I am doing mostly videoing gym and yoga. I must admit its hard work trying to think of what to film but I am finding it much easier than blogging, as I can just film what I'm doing rather than trying to type up the things I am doing. But I will try to still post some typed blogs too!

Now I've finished Sixth Form, I am trying to keep myself very busy by still working hard at the gym and at yoga. The past couple of weeks I have had a big jump in my therapy, the things I have struggled to do for ages and finding things easier and easier to do. I have come so far in the past couple of weeks, I try to not have a big break from gym or yoga as I can see a huge change in myself when doing regular exercise.

I have been enjoying doing what I want however I have been trying to keep a structure in my day and week so I keep active and busy, as I hate becoming bored. When I'm bored I start to think about things and start to worry about things that haven't even happened yet and I start to panic about what will happen next. However I try to focus on what I am doing at that moment and this stops me thinking about the things I shouldn't be worrying about, just thinking about what I need to do each day, helps me to stop worrying  about things that not even happened yet! I bet people will back me up here but I believe in this saying "Yesterdays is in the past you can't change what you did and tomorrow is in the future, what you do today is the most important" Meaning don't dwell on the past and don't worry about the future. I believe you should live for the moment and whatever happens next is in the future, just let it happen. I just try to enjoy each and every day and stop getting myself worked up over something that haven't happened yet.

 I just wanted to add before I finish this blog, I have mentioned it already in this blog but I would much appreciate if people would check out my new Youtube channel in which I have started to put some videos on about the gym and yoga. I would really like if people would go over and watch some of my videos. Here is the link to the youtube channel I would be thankful if people would check it out.

Thank you for reading
Abbie xx


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