Get Over Yourself... We're Only Disabled Part.11

Get Over Yourself... We're Only Disabled

Hey my lovely readers, hope you are well.

 Chapter 11

We can use a computer and electrical equipment in our own way

Technology and electrical equipment can be catered to an individual’s needs, depending on how and why they need to use it.  There are loads of different pieces of equipment in the world today for people that need adapted software to be able to use technology. There is always something new in the market to help people to use technology despite their disability.  It is amazing how far technology has progressed over the years, becoming smaller and quicker to support individuals and make their lives easier as a whole.  But it all depends on individual needs seeing what they are able to use with their retraction because of their disability.  

For instance, 10 years ago I was using a large keyboard with chunky keys and a key guard, so I was able to press one key at a time and not accidentally press multiple keys due to my athetoid movements.  However, because I can control my movements better now, I am able to use a standard laptop/computer keyboard and mouse.  Sometimes I find if I occasionally have a spasm, it’s harder to control a mouse or I'll press a wrong key, but that is not all of the time.  

Technology is not just about computers; there are lots for people to use such as iPads, communicators and phones.  There is so much that people can do with assistive technology.  For example, people with communicators can use them to open doors, open and close curtains, turn on and off the TV, email and text and turn lights on and off.  This gives them independence, a sense of achievement and self-sufficiency.  

There are loads of adaptions for people with disabilities, so they can use equipment as independently as they can.  An example of this is having bigger buttons for the TV or computer so the individual can operate it themselves.  It’s amazing what people can invent to support people with disabilities who might need more assistance when trying to use technology. 

In my experience, I have tried many pieces of electrical equipment to support me when using technology.  I have used many different communicators, keyboards, mouses, etc to work out what was easy and practical for me to use.  Now with lots of practice, I am able to use a standard laptop/ computer and a mouse.  However, I am always up for trying new and updated technology to build on my independence.

Technology has changed dramatically over the years, especially assistive equipment, it has brought independence for people who may rely on technology to live their lives, such as a communicator.  A computer or any electrical equipment can be adapted to suit the individual’s needs.  Every piece of technology equipment should be able to be adapted to suit the individual needs, this would make it easier for the person to access a computer or electrical equipment independently or with minimal assistance.

Also, it’s not just the actual equipment that can be adapted, there is software that can predict what the person wants to type.  For example, if I started to type “everyone” all that I’d have to do is type a few letters and it would give me a few options of different words that I could use - similar to predictive text (just watch what you type so you don't have random words come up!)

Many people with limited physical movements can use eye gaze communicators that pick up their eye movements.  They can use these to spell out words or select pictures to communicate what they want to say. This might take them a while, so people need to be patient whilst they are doing this.  People that need to use assistive communication systems (also called Augmentative and Alternative Communication or AAC) prefer to have the time to say what they want to say without being interrupted. 

 There are lots of different ways that people with disabilities can access technology with assistance by trying out different pieces of equipment and what works best for them.The world is involving around technology more and more so there should be better help for people with disabilities. Technology is a huge part of everyday life and people with disabilities should be able to use phones, computers to their best ability with the correct accessibility. 

Thank you for reading, I hope you have enjoyed this blog.




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