25 Amazing Memories And Achievements As I Turn 25

25 Amazing Memories And Achievements As I Turn 25

Hello readers, I hope you are all doing well. I actually can't believe this is my 3rd blog of the year! 

I am approaching my 25th birthday so I thought I'll write a list of memories and achievements that I am proud of that I have achieved before a big milestone birthday.

1. Went to a mainstream school 

2. Leant to drive an electric wheelchair 

3. Holidays 

4. GCSEs/A- Levels

5. Moving away for college

6. Skiing

7.  Independence 


9. Challenge 75

10. Special times with family and friends

11. Relationship 

12. Swimming with dolphins 

13. Whizz Kids 

14. CP Teens

15.Using a walking frame 

16.Prom Queen 

17. Prefect 

18.Student Union

19.Writing this blog

20.Horse Riding  

21.Social Media

22. Raising awareness for disabilities 

23. Independent trips 

24. Working a mobile phone

25.Gym /Yoga 

I am so grateful and proud of what I have achieved in my life. These are only 25 of them, I have many more! I want this blog to allow you to think of your achievements,  I feel that everyone should write down their achievements as it feels quite rewarding and refreshing to see what you have achieved! 

Always be proud of yourself 

Thanks for reading 

Abbie x


Luigi_Gobbi_II said…
Not everyone can put even 10 notable achievements, let alone 25! Congrats!

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