A letter to my younger self

A letter to my younger self 

I thought this would be a nice idea and I have seen this beautifully done before, so I thought I'd give this a go.

Dear my younger self 

I know you are finding growing up a challenge and struggling with school, exams and trying to keep up with therapies. But it will be good for you in the long run. I know you are scared about loud noises and you hate when you know fire alarm test coming but just relax and let it go. Noises will always be your fear but you will learn to work through them and learn that they are there to keep us safe.

You will become more independent and won’t have to strongly rely on people to support but you will learn to be very grateful for their help. You will get a better understanding of your disability and start to learn how you can do personal tasks yourself throughout the day. Things will be tough but you are strong enough to face your fears and in the long run will make you see life on a easier route.  

Life will be a mixture of ups and downs but as you go through life you will see there will be more ups than downs. You will experience some beautiful opportunities that will take your breath away. You will travel to some lovely places in the world and make the most of seeing the lovely views of different places.

You are going to have lots of changes in what you are interested in but thats okay. It is good to have lots of good ideas of what you want in life as it gives you the opportunities to experience different subjects in life so you can decide what is best for you. It doesn't matter what you decide to do, I will just follow your lead and just guide you in the right direction so you don't get yourself carried away. 

You will do things that you really don't want to do, you will scream and shout but I can tell you now its the best for you . Just listen to the people around you as they know best. It’s not great to try to get out of because your going to make the situation worse. You might be pleasantly surprised of how good it will be for you.

I love how unique you are, I know you get upset because you see yourself different from the rest but you aren't different you are you and there’s only one of you. So be yourself, don't annoy yourself because its good to be different and it’s good to be you. Love yourself for who you are, not who you want to be.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed it.


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