What Inspires Me?


This blog is going to be slightly different from the rest of my blogs. I'm not going to talk about i'm doing but the sort of things that are in the background of what makes me want to do well.

I'm going to write a list on different things in my life that inspires me then explain why they make me feel good.

1.  Family and friends: We wouldn't be inspired by things if we didn't have the support from our family and friends. My family and friends give me the encouragement I need to be able to succeed in life and to want to go for things that will support me through life.

2.  Working out: Going to the gym or walking inspires me to get fitter and stronger. It makes me feel happier and get a buzz within.  It inspires me as when we do a workout for the first time we might not see the difference but if we keep on  persevering with it, we will get the benefits. This is how I feel, every session I do in the gym, it inspires me to keep on with it as I can see that it is good for me.

3.  Goals: I always try to make goals as they inspire to achieve doable things. Goals makes me determined to get things done, goals can be put into practice in anything we put our minds to. My goals inspires me to be a better person and gives me a purpose to work hard and achieve. We need to set goals to keep our lives moving on.

4. Social media: Social media a tough one as it can inspire me but at the same time make me feel negative. I feel inspired when i'm looking at something that makes me feel postive and happy, it helps me to have a good day and I feel pleased for whoever has posted it. What makes me feel negative is when people use social media for something that isnt be on social media in the first place. That won't makec people be insterested in the subject that people want to look at.

5. Healthy eating: I try my best with this one, it keeps me interested in what good options are out there. I must admit with all the fitness I do, im not always on top with healthy eating.  It inspires me as I want to feel and look good. I do have inspiration in this as eating good foods makes me want to achieve and more alert when  I want to achieve.

6. Music: Music puts us all in a good mood. It always inspires me to do well, a good song or a talented artist makes me feel happy and ready to carry on with my day. Music puts us in a good frame of mind and it is good when we need to get something done and it helps to block things that can distract us. Music keeps me going and allows me to feel good about what I am doing.

7. Podcasts: Listening to Podcasts makes me feel calm and relaxed. It puts me in a postive mind kdframe and listening to the words that people has to say through the podcasts allows me to think about the postives in life that makes me feel relaxed and content. I wouldn't say I always use them to help me but they certainly make a difference to my mood. Podcasts are excellent when you just want to relax and be calm.

8.  Making new plans and making it happen: I love making plans, it makes me feel excited for a new adventure. I live on making plans,  I think making plans makes us look forward to what is coming up. Making plans inspires me to be happy and feel lucky to have what is just around the corner. Making plans allows you to know what is happening and when. Plans inspire me to focus on what is coming up and not allow the dull parts leading up to it get me down.

9.  Changing my thought process from something negative to positive: This is sort of what makes me feel inspired as when I change my thought process everything seems to be clearer and makes things easier to manage. It makes me feel inspired as knowing that I can change my thought process into something postive makes me feel good.

10. Make sure I set aside time for things I love: We all love doing this or try to make time for it. Setting aside time to do something we love allows us to feel happy and it gives us "me' time, no one else but you! Maybe its reading a book or watching a weekly eposode of your favouite show, it makes  us feel good about ourselves and feel inspired to carry on with everyday things.

 I haven't wrtten this to show off or anything, this can be put any situation to show what inspires people and what makes them feel postive about themselves. Have a think of what inspires you!

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have enjoyed it.

Abbie xx


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