First week of a new year/term

Hey guys

Thought I'd start to try to do weekly or fortnightly blogs about what has been going on. I went back to my 2nd home on Tuesday (It helps me to settle better when I call it home), back to Lizzie House was nerve-racking because I haven't got used to back and from home to college and then home again. But I soon found my feet when there was a knock at the door at 7.30am Wednesday morning to get up and ready to go back to college.... And then I was back in the swing of things!!

Its been a emotional and stressful week but I have tried to turn it around with all of my exciting lectures, starting my first of four sessions of work experience, speech therapy and hydrotherapy. It has  been a very tiring week but a super exciting week! In a week, I have felt more positive about what i'm doing and why I am doing it. From this week I've learnt that I need to be strong and focus on what is important to me and what I should be focusing on.

Its been nice to be back with friends and see all my helpers and tutors. Ive really had a good laugh and a good time. All that I need to learn is about controlling my emotions and focusing on the good parts in life. I have learnt to keep telling myself that I love it here and keep remembering that I always have a great time here at National Star.

I had a good afternoon starting my new work experience and I am really looking forward going back this week. I enjoyed every minute of it and I felt really grown up. I have really fallen in love with customer services now I have done customer services in real life in a job environment and I enjoyed it so much because it defiantly everything I enjoy.

Well... that was my first week done and I couldn't believe how quick it went.

Thank you for reading and I will blog soon

Abbie xx


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