What I use to inspire and help me to keep going

Hi guys

As I am feeling a lot more happier about the things i'm doing and dealing with plans for the future easier, I am starting to look at more positive things to keep me going and keep me feeling happy. Such as my two blogs, my diary that I write in everyday, my work I'm just finishing off for my course in childcare, gym and other therapies. When I look back on all of these, I feel really good about myself and helps me to keep going with what I'm doing and keep getting stronger/independent. It allows me to become stronger and independent as I learn how these things are good for me to support me for now and for in the future. These inspire me as I can see that these are good and positive for me to do and it allows me to deal with harder things I need to do and keeps me more calmer in trickier situations. When I feel stressed or worried about things I think about all of the positive things that I have done it makes me feel more satisfied about how to handle situations when things are tough in other areas of my life.

Blogging and my diary helps me to reflect on things I have done and makes me realise the good or the little things I have done that day is worth saving so I can look back in the future and be proud of how far I have came. I love doing my blog and my diary as it allows me to keep my important goals and achievements all together and I can keep looking back on them and keep feeling happy about what I'm doing.

Things like my gym and therapy keeps me inspired as I know this will help me to keep  getting stronger and fitter. These helps me to keep going as I can see a big difference on what I can achieve now from what I could do a few years ago. When seeing pictures and posts of me doing my therapy, it allows me realise what I can achieve and keep on doing what I want to do to improve myself.

These things keep me going and inspire me to work and train harder,  sometimes like all of us, I need something to feel good about to carry on doing it. It is good to have a goal and try to keep working towards it as goals help me to carry on striving for what I want out of life, this keeps me going.

I wanted to do a happy and positive blog and share happy vibes with you all.

Thanks for reading

Abbie xx


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