A funny blog

Hey peeps

OMG another day of being on wheels haha no tired legs for me! Oh here we go again getting on the adapted taxi with my fabulous driver that we put the world to rights in just 10 minutes CRAZY! Oh bum, hide the annoying group of year 7s are coming to chat, oh what do  I do... great the whistle has gone, up to the grown up area in sixth form. Work, socialising, work, moaning about this and that to friends... just a normal day. Oh time to go in the walker, smelly old trainers go on to wiggle my hips up and down the corridor stopping at the door every flipping time to let ANOTHER teacher through. Great, my favourite time of the day, lunch, yes all my mates come and sit down, oh darn 3 teachers come and we all have to sit like we are in iceland trying to keep each other warm. Lunch break's over, back to work before that clean myself off as I have half of my lunch over me.    I CAN'T BLOODY DO THIS, ITS TOO HARD I say all afternoon until I get support, always works as it the feels the mist of frustration has lifted from the keyboard.

New day, yay its the day I can go home at 12 YES, gym or yoga time ahh nice strong afternoon. Time to get all the stress out and something that keeps me fit and strong. I love doing it in the afternoons as I hate going back out after a few hours at home. Gym doesn't just mean keeping fit, its an hour of giggling and me and my trainer taking the mick out of each other for a hour. Also I love fridays as I get to chill out at yoga ready for a nice weekend, even if the 3 of us natter on for the hour.

I love being busy but also I just love being at home, just chilling out with my family or going out or seeing friends. Always find something to do when i'm not running about here and there ( or I mean my mum or dad kindly driving me about)  I'm hooked on Netflix or Youtube you'll find me on either one of them most days lol in my new big bed not the hospital, mechanical little bed that I couldn't move in even I wanted to move I needed to press a button to sit up.

I enjoy doing my blogging and my Facebook page even if I can't think what to write. Sometimes I get so annoyed with it I want to throw it out of the window! However I love reading all of your comments, it always makes me smile and happy.

I hope you all enjoyed this blog
Abbie xx


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