
Showing posts from January, 2021

Whizz-Kids blog

Lockdown Boredom?… Have No Fear Whizz-kidz Are Here Hi I haven't been on here for a long while, but this is the blog I did for Whizz-kids as I have been enjoying their activities through lockdown. I hope you enjoy reading.  Hi I'm Abbie and I have been loosely involved with Whizz-Kids since I was young, I did a few clubs and I took part in the Challenge 75 in 2019.   But wasn't sure what other things Whizz-kids had to offer, including clubs and training.  When lockdown started, I didn't have a clue how I would fill up all of the extra free time I suddenly had as normally I was really busy . I was invited to take part in a placement online as Whizz-kids couldn't send young people out to placements, so I was nervous about the placement as well as learning to work online. However despite finding it a struggle, this was when I found my niche for the online activities that Whizz-Kids has to offer.  Around the time I was doing my placement, Whizz-kids had started to put t...